Manage an account

You can centrally manage your Docker account settings using Docker Home. Here you can also take administrative actions for your account and manage your account security.


If your account is associated with an organization that enforces single sign-on (SSO), you may not have permissions to update your account settings. You must contact your administrator to update your settings.

Update general settings

  1. Sign in to your Docker account.
  2. In Docker Home, select your avatar in the top-right corner to open the drop-down.
  3. Select Account settings.

From the Account settings page, you can take any of the following actions.

Update account information

Account information is visible on your account profile in Docker Hub. You can update the following account information:

  • Full name
  • Company
  • Location
  • Website
  • Gravatar email: To add an avatar to your Docker account, create a Gravatar account and create your avatar. Next, add your Gravatar email to your Docker account settings. It may take some time for your avatar to update in Docker.

Make your changes here, then select Save to save your settings.

Update email address

To update your email address, select Email:

  1. Enter your new email address.
  2. Enter your password to confirm the change.
  3. Select Send verification email to send a verification email to your new email address.

Once you verify your email address, your account information will update.

Change your password

You can change your password by initiating a password reset via email.

To change your password, select Password and then Reset password. Follow the instructions in the password reset email.

Manage security settings

To update your two-factor authentication (2FA) settings, select 2FA. For information on two-factor authentication (2FA) for your account, see Enable two-factor authentication to get started.

To manage personal access tokens, select Personal access tokens. For information on personal access tokens, see Create and manage access tokens.

Manage connected accounts

You can unlink Google or GitHub accounts that are linked to your Docker account using the Account settings page:

  1. Select Connected accounts.
  2. Select Disconnect on your connected account.
  3. To fully unlink your Docker account, you must also unlink Docker from Google or GitHub. See Google or GitHub's documentation for more information:

Account management

To convert your account into an organization, select Convert. For more information on converting your account, see Convert an account into an organization.

To deactivate your account, select Deactivate. For information on deactivating your account, see Deactivating a user account.