Create your organization

Subscription: Team Business
For: Administrators

This section describes how to create an organization. Before you begin:

Create an organization

There are multiple ways to create an organization. You can either:

  • Create a new organization using the Create Organization option in Docker Hub
  • Convert an existing user account to an organization

The following section contains instructions on how to create a new organization. For prerequisites and detailed instructions on converting an existing user account to an organization, see Convert an account into an organization.

  1. Sign in to Docker Hub using your Docker ID, your email address, or your social provider.

  2. Select Organizations and then Create Organization to create a new organization.

  3. Choose a plan for your organization, a billing cycle, and specify how many seats you need. See Docker Pricing for details on the features offered in the Team and Business plan.

  4. Select Continue to profile.

  5. Enter an Organization namespace. This is the official, unique name for your organization in Docker Hub. It's not possible to change the name of the organization after you've created it.


    You can't use the same name for the organization and your Docker ID. If you want to use your Docker ID as the organization name, then you must first convert your account into an organization.

  6. Enter your Company name. This is the full name of your company. Docker displays the company name on your organization page and in the details of any public images you publish. You can update the company name anytime by navigating to your organization's Settings page.

  7. Select Continue to billing to continue.

  8. Enter your organization's billing information and select Continue to payment to continue to the billing portal.

  9. Provide your card details and select Purchase.

You've now created an organization.

To create an organization:

  1. Sign in to Docker Home.

  2. Under Settings and administration, select Go to Admin Console.

  3. Select the Organization drop-down in the left-hand navigation and then Create Organization.

  4. Choose a plan for your organization, a billing cycle, and specify how many seats you need. See Docker Pricing for details on the features offered in the Team and Business plan.

  5. Select Continue to profile.

  6. Enter an Organization namespace. This is the official, unique name for your organization in Docker Hub. It's not possible to change the name of the organization after you've created it.


    You can't use the same name for the organization and your Docker ID. If you want to use your Docker ID as the organization name, then you must first convert your account into an organization.

  7. Enter your Company name. This is the full name of your company. Docker displays the company name on your organization page and in the details of any public images you publish. You can update the company name anytime by navigating to your organization's Settings page.

  8. Select Continue to billing to continue.

  9. Enter your organization's billing information and select Continue to payment to continue to the billing portal.

  10. Provide your card details and select Purchase.

You've now created an organization.

View an organization

To view an organization:

  1. Sign in to Docker Hub with a user account that is a member of any team in the organization.


    You can't directly sign in to an organization. This is especially important to note if you create an organization by converting a user account, as conversion means you lose the ability to log into that "account", since it no longer exists. To view the organization you need to sign in with the new owner account assigned during the conversion or another account that was added as a member. If you don't see the organization after logging in, then you are neither a member or an owner of it. An organization administrator needs to add you as a member of the organization.

  2. Select Organizations in the top navigation bar, then choose your organization from the list.

The organization landing page displays various options that let you to configure your organization.

  • Members: Displays a list of team members. You can invite new members using the Invite members button. See Manage members for details.

  • Teams: Displays a list of existing teams and the number of members in each team. See Create a team for details.

  • Repositories: Displays a list of repositories associated with the organization. See Repositories for detailed information about working with repositories.

  • Activity Displays the audit logs, a chronological list of activities that occur at organization and repository levels. It provides the org owners a report of all their team member activities. See Audit logs for details.

  • Settings: Displays information about your organization, and you to view and change your repository privacy settings, configure org permissions such as Image Access Management, configure notification settings, and deactivate You can also update your organization name and company name that appear on your organization landing page. You must be an owner to access the organization's Settings page.

  • Billing: Displays information about your existing Docker subscription (plan), including the number of seats and next payment due date. For how to access the billing history and payment methods for your organization, see View billing history.

To view an organization in the Admin Console:

  1. Sign in to Docker Home.
  2. Under Settings and administration, select Go to Admin Console.
  3. Select your organization from the Organization drop-down in the left-hand navigation.

The Admin Console displays various options that let you to configure your organization.

  • Members: Displays a list of team members. You can invite new members using the Invite members button. See Manage members for details.

  • Teams: Displays a list of existing teams and the number of members in each team. See Create a team for details.

  • Activity Displays the audit logs, a chronological list of activities that occur at organization and repository levels. It provides the org owners a report of all their team member activities. See Audit logs for details.

  • Security and access: Manage security settings. For more information, see Security.

  • Organization settings: Update general settings, manage your company settings, or deactivate your organization.

Merge organizations


If you are merging organizations, it is recommended to do so at the end of your billing cycle. When you merge an organization and downgrade another, you will lose seats on your downgraded organization. Docker does not offer refunds for downgrades.

If you have multiple organizations that you want to merge into one, complete the following:

  1. Based on the number of seats from the secondary organization, purchase additional seats for the primary organization account that you want to keep.
  2. Manually add users to the primary organization and remove existing users from the secondary organization.
  3. Manually move over your data, including all repositories.
  4. Once you're done moving all of your users and data, downgrade the secondary account to a free subscription. Note that Docker does not offer refunds for downgrading organizations mid-billing cycle.


If your organization has a Docker Business subscription with a purchase order, contact Support or your Account Manager at Docker.

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