The TOML file used to configure the buildkitd daemon settings has a short list of global settings followed by a series of sections for specific areas of daemon configuration.
The file path is /etc/buildkit/buildkitd.toml
for rootful mode,
for rootless mode.
The following is a complete buildkitd.toml
configuration example.
Note that some configuration options are only useful in edge cases.
# debug enables additional debug logging
debug = true
# trace enables additional trace logging (very verbose, with potential performance impacts)
trace = true
# root is where all buildkit state is stored.
root = "/var/lib/buildkit"
# insecure-entitlements allows insecure entitlements, disabled by default.
insecure-entitlements = [ "", "security.insecure" ]
# log formatter: json or text
format = "text"
address = [ "tcp://" ]
# debugAddress is address for attaching go profiles and debuggers.
debugAddress = ""
uid = 0
gid = 0
cert = "/etc/buildkit/tls.crt"
key = "/etc/buildkit/tls.key"
ca = "/etc/buildkit/tlsca.crt"
# OTEL collector trace socket path
socketPath = "/run/buildkit/otel-grpc.sock"
# Disables support of the Container Device Interface (CDI).
disabled = true
# List of directories to scan for CDI spec files. For more details about CDI
# specification, please refer to
specDirs = ["/etc/cdi", "/var/run/cdi", "/etc/buildkit/cdi"]
# config for build history API that stores information about completed build commands
# maxAge is the maximum age of history entries to keep, in seconds.
maxAge = 172800
# maxEntries is the maximum number of history entries to keep.
maxEntries = 50
enabled = true
# platforms is manually configure platforms, detected automatically if unset.
platforms = [ "linux/amd64", "linux/arm64" ]
snapshotter = "auto" # overlayfs or native, default value is "auto".
rootless = false # see docs/ for the details on rootless mode.
# Whether run subprocesses in main pid namespace or not, this is useful for
# running rootless buildkit inside a container.
noProcessSandbox = false
# gc enables/disables garbage collection
gc = true
# reservedSpace is the minimum amount of disk space guaranteed to be
# retained by this buildkit worker - any usage below this threshold will not
# be reclaimed during garbage collection.
# all disk space parameters can be an integer number of bytes (e.g.
# 512000000), a string with a unit (e.g. "512MB"), or a string percentage
# of the total disk space (e.g. "10%")
reservedSpace = "30%"
# maxUsedSpace is the maximum amount of disk space that may be used by
# this buildkit worker - any usage above this threshold will be reclaimed
# during garbage collection.
maxUsedSpace = "60%"
# minFreeSpace is the target amount of free disk space that the garbage
# collector will attempt to leave - however, it will never be bought below
# reservedSpace.
minFreeSpace = "20GB"
# alternate OCI worker binary name(example 'crun'), by default either
# buildkit-runc or runc binary is used
binary = ""
# name of the apparmor profile that should be used to constrain build containers.
# the profile should already be loaded (by a higher level system) before creating a worker.
apparmor-profile = ""
# limit the number of parallel build steps that can run at the same time
max-parallelism = 4
# maintain a pool of reusable CNI network namespaces to amortize the overhead
# of allocating and releasing the namespaces
cniPoolSize = 16
"foo" = "bar"
# reservedSpace is the minimum amount of disk space guaranteed to be
# retained by this policy - any usage below this threshold will not be
# reclaimed during # garbage collection.
reservedSpace = "512MB"
# maxUsedSpace is the maximum amount of disk space that may be used by this
# policy - any usage above this threshold will be reclaimed during garbage
# collection.
maxUsedSpace = "1GB"
# minFreeSpace is the target amount of free disk space that the garbage
# collector will attempt to leave - however, it will never be bought below
# reservedSpace.
minFreeSpace = "10GB"
# keepDuration can be an integer number of seconds (e.g. 172800), or a
# string duration (e.g. "48h")
keepDuration = "48h"
filters = [ "type==source.local", "type==exec.cachemount", "type==source.git.checkout"]
all = true
reservedSpace = 1024000000
address = "/run/containerd/containerd.sock"
enabled = true
platforms = [ "linux/amd64", "linux/arm64" ]
namespace = "buildkit"
# gc enables/disables garbage collection
gc = true
# reservedSpace is the minimum amount of disk space guaranteed to be
# retained by this buildkit worker - any usage below this threshold will not
# be reclaimed during garbage collection.
# all disk space parameters can be an integer number of bytes (e.g.
# 512000000), a string with a unit (e.g. "512MB"), or a string percentage
# of the total disk space (e.g. "10%")
reservedSpace = "30%"
# maxUsedSpace is the maximum amount of disk space that may be used by
# this buildkit worker - any usage above this threshold will be reclaimed
# during garbage collection.
maxUsedSpace = "60%"
# minFreeSpace is the target amount of free disk space that the garbage
# collector will attempt to leave - however, it will never be bought below
# reservedSpace.
minFreeSpace = "20GB"
# maintain a pool of reusable CNI network namespaces to amortize the overhead
# of allocating and releasing the namespaces
cniPoolSize = 16
# defaultCgroupParent sets the parent cgroup of all containers.
defaultCgroupParent = "buildkit"
"foo" = "bar"
# configure the containerd runtime
name = "io.containerd.runc.v2"
path = "/path/to/containerd/runc/shim"
options = { BinaryName = "runc" }
reservedSpace = 512000000
keepDuration = 172800
filters = [ "type==source.local", "type==exec.cachemount", "type==source.git.checkout"]
all = true
reservedSpace = 1024000000
# registry configures a new Docker register used for cache import or output.
# mirror configuration to handle path in case a mirror registry requires a /project path rather than just a host:port
mirrors = ["yourmirror.local:5000", "core.harbor.domain/"]
http = true
insecure = true
# optionally mirror configuration can be done by defining it as a registry.
http = true
# Frontend control
enabled = true
enabled = true
# If allowedRepositories is empty, all gateway sources are allowed.
# Otherwise, only the listed repositories are allowed as a gateway source.
# NOTE: Only the repository name (without tag) is compared.
# Example:
# allowedRepositories = [ "" ]
allowedRepositories = []
# how often buildkit scans for changes in the supported emulated platforms
platformsCacheMaxAge = "1h"