Use the PKG installer

Subscription: Business
Requires: Docker Desktop 4.36 and later
For: Administrators

The PKG package supports various MDM (Mobile Device Management) solutions, making it ideal for bulk installations and eliminating the need for manual setups by individual users. With this package, IT administrators can ensure standardized, policy-driven installations of Docker Desktop, enhancing efficiency and software management across their organizations.

Install interactively

  1. In the Docker Admin Console, navigate to your organization.
  2. Under Docker Desktop, select the Deploy page.
  3. From the macOS tab, select the Download PKG installer button.
  4. Once downloaded, double-click Docker.pkg to run the installer.
  5. Follow the instructions on the installation wizard to authorize the installer and proceed with the install.
    • Introduction: Select Continue.
    • License: Review the license agreement and select Agree.
    • Destination Select: This step is optional. It is recommended that you don't change the default installation destination (usually Macintosh HD). Select Continue.
    • Installation Type: Select Install.
    • Installation: Authenticate using your administrator password or Touch ID.
    • Summary: After the installation completes, select Close.


When installing Docker Desktop with the PKG, in-app updates are automatically disabled. This feature ensures your organization maintains the required Docker Desktop version. For Docker Desktop installed with the .dmg installer, in-app updates remain supported.

Docker Desktop notifies you when an update is available. To update Docker Desktop, download the latest installer from the Docker Admin Console. Navigate to the Deploy page > under Docker Desktop.

To keep up to date with new releases, check the release notes page.

Install from the command line

  1. In the Docker Admin Console, navigate to your organization.

  2. Under Security and access, select the Deploy Docker Desktop page.

  3. From the macOS tab, select the Download PKG installer button.

  4. From your terminal, run the following command:

    $ sudo installer -pkg "/path/to/Docker.pkg" -target /Applications

Additional resources