Create a repository

  1. Sign in to Docker Hub.

  2. Select My Hub > Repositories.

  3. Near the top-right corner, select Create repository.

  4. Select a Namespace.

    You can choose to locate it under your own user account, or under any organization where you are an owner or editor.

  5. Specify the Repository Name.

    The repository name needs to:

    • Be unique
    • Have between 2 and 255 characters
    • Only contain lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens (-), and underscores (_)


    You can't rename a Docker Hub repository once it's created.

  6. Specify the Short description.

    The description can be up to 100 characters. It appears in search results.

  7. Select the default visibility.

    • Public: The repository appears in Docker Hub search results and can be pulled by everyone.
    • Private: The repository doesn't appear in Docker Hub search results and is only accessible to you and collaborators. In addition, if you selected an organization's namespace, then the repository is accessible to those with applicable roles or permissions. For more details, see Roles and permissions.


    For organizations creating a new repository, if you're unsure which visibility to choose, then Docker recommends that you select Private.

  8. Select Create.

After the repository is created, the General page appears. You are now able to manage: