Add or edit your run commands

Add a run command to a project

  1. Open an existing project and ensure that it is stopped.

  2. From the command drop-down menu, select New run command.

  3. Specify the following information for the run command:


    While configuring your run command, you can view the equivalent docker compose up command in the Run command section on the configuration page. You can also use this command to run your project from the command line. You can refer to the docker compose up reference documentation to learn more about the options you configure.

    • Name: Specify a name to identify the run command.
    • Compose files: Select one or more Compose files from your project.
    • Flags: Optionally, select one or more flags for your run command.


    While the --env-file flag isn't currently supported, you can specify environment variables in your Compose file, or use the Tasks option to run a script that sets your environment variables.

    • Services that will run: After selecting one or more Compose files, the services defined in the files will appear here. If there is more than one service, you can optionally choose to not run a service by deselecting the checkbox.
    • Tasks (Advanced options): Optionally specify a command to run before running the project. For example, if you want to run a bash script from the project directory named, you can specify bash Or, on Windows, to run a script with cmd.exe named set-vars.bat, specify set-vars.bat. Note that a task can access environment variables from your terminal profile, but it can't access local shell functions nor aliases.
  4. Select Save changes.

You can now select the new run command from the drop-down menu after opening the project.

Edit a run command

  1. Open an existing project and ensure that it is stopped.

  2. Select the run command you want to change from the command drop-down menu.

  3. Select the Edit icon next to the Run button.

  4. Specify your changes and then select Save changes.

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