Docker Scout のインストール

Docker Scout の CLI プラグインは Docker Desktop 内にプリインストールされています。.

Docker Desktop を用いずに Docker Engine を実行している場合、Docker Scout はプリインストールされていません。 その場合はスタンドアロンバイナリーとしてインストールします。

Installation script


$ curl -fsSL -o
$ sh


インターネットからローカルにダウンロードしたスクリプトは、実行前に充分に内容を確認してください。 インストールするにあたっては、この便利スクリプトが抱える潜在的リスクや制約について充分に理解しておいてください。

Manual installation

  1. Download the latest release from the releases page.

  2. Create a subdirectory under $HOME/.docker called scout.

    $ mkdir -p $HOME/.docker/scout
  3. Extract the archive and move the docker-scout binary to the $HOME/.docker/scout directory.

  4. Make the binary executable: chmod +x $HOME/.docker/scout/docker-scout.

  5. Add the scout subdirectory to your .docker/config.json as a plugin directory:

      "cliPluginsExtraDirs": [

    Substitute <USER> with your username on the system.


    The path for cliPluginsExtraDirs must be an absolute path.

  1. Download the latest release from the releases page.

  2. Create a subdirectory under $HOME/.docker called scout.

    $ mkdir -p $HOME/.docker/scout
  3. Extract the archive and move the docker-scout binary to the $HOME/.docker/scout directory.

  4. Make the binary executable:

    $ chmod +x $HOME/.docker/scout/docker-scout
  5. Authorize the binary to be executable on macOS:

    xattr -d $HOME/.docker/scout/docker-scout.
  6. Add the scout subdirectory to your .docker/config.json as a plugin directory:

      "cliPluginsExtraDirs": [

    Substitute <USER> with your username on the system.


    The path for cliPluginsExtraDirs must be an absolute path.

  1. Download the latest release from the releases page.

  2. Create a subdirectory under %USERPROFILE%/.docker called scout.

    % mkdir %USERPROFILE%\.docker\scout
  3. Extract the archive and move the docker-scout.exe binary to the %USERPROFILE%\.docker\scout directory.

  4. Add the scout subdirectory to your .docker\config.json as a plugin directory:

      "cliPluginsExtraDirs": [

    Substitute <USER> with your username on the system.


    The path for cliPluginsExtraDirs must be an absolute path.

Container image

The Docker Scout CLI plugin is also available as a container image. Use the docker/scout-cli to run docker scout commands without installing the CLI plugin on your host.

$ docker run -it \
  -e DOCKER_SCOUT_HUB_USER=<your Docker Hub user name> \
  -e DOCKER_SCOUT_HUB_PASSWORD=<your Docker Hub PAT>  \
  docker/scout-cli <command>

GitHub Action

The Docker Scout CLI plugin is also available as a GitHub action. You can use it in your GitHub workflows to automatically analyze images and evaluate policy compliance with each push.

Docker Scout also integrates with many more CI/CD tools, such as Jenkins, GitLab, and Azure DevOps. Learn more about the integrations available for Docker Scout.