Roles and permissions

For: Administrators

Organization and company owners can assign roles to individuals giving them different permissions in the organization. This guide outlines Docker's organization roles and their permission scopes.


When you invite users to your organization, you assign them a role. A role is a collection of permissions. Roles define whether users can create repositories, pull images, create teams, and configure organization settings.

The following roles are available to assign:

  • Member: Non-administrative role. Members can view other members that are in the same organization.
  • Editor: Partial administrative access to the organization. Editors can create, edit, and delete repositories. They can also edit an existing team's access permissions.
  • Organization owner: Full organization administrative access. Organization owners can manage organization repositories, teams, members, settings, and billing.
  • Company owner: In addition to the permissions of an organization owner, company owners can configure settings for their associated organizations.

Owners can manage roles for members of an organization using Docker Hub or the Admin Console:



Company owners have the same access as organization owners for all associated organizations. For more information, see Company overview.

The following sections describe the permissions for each role.

Content and registry permissions

The following table outlines content and registry permissions for member, editor, and organization owner roles. These permissions and roles apply to the entire organization, including all the repositories in the namespace for the organization.

PermissionMemberEditorOrganization owner
Explore images and extensions
Star, favorite, vote, and comment on content
Pull images
Create and publish an extension
Become a Verified, Official, or Open Source publisher
Observe content engagement as a publisher
Create public and private repositories
Edit and delete repositories
Manage tags
View repository activity
Set up Automated builds
Edit build settings
View teams
Assign team permissions to repositories

When you add members to a team, you can manage their repository permissions. For team repository permissions, see Create and manage a team permissions reference.

The following diagram provides an example of how permissions may work for a user. In this example, the first permission check is for the role: member or editor. Editors have administrative permissions for repositories across the namespace of the organization. Members may have administrative permissions for a repository if they're a member of a team that grants those permissions.

User repository permissions within an organization

Organization management permissions

The following table outlines organization management permissions for member, editor, organization owner, and company owner roles.

PermissionMemberEditorOrganization ownerCompany owner
Create teams
Manage teams (including delete)
Configure the organization's settings (including linked services)
Add organizations to a company
Invite members
Manage members
Manage member roles and permissions
View member activity
Export and reporting
Image Access Management
Registry Access Management
Set up Single Sign-On (SSO) and SCIM✅ *
Require Docker Desktop sign-in✅ *
Manage billing information (for example, billing address)
Manage payment methods (for example, credit card or invoice)
View billing history
Manage subscriptions
Manage seats
Upgrade and downgrade plans

* If not part of a company

Docker Scout permissions

The following table outlines Docker Scout management permissions for member, editor, and organization owner roles.

PermissionMemberEditorOrganization owner
View and compare analysis results
Upload analysis records
Activate and deactivate Docker Scout for a repository
Create environments
Manage registry integrations

Docker Build Cloud permissions

The following table outlines Docker Build Cloud management permissions for member, editor, and organization owner roles.

PermissionMemberEditorOrganization owner
Use a cloud builder
Create and remove builders
Configure builder settings
Buy minutes
Manage subscription