Image 関数
Use these functions to create an image filter, apply an image filter to an image, and to retrieve image information.
Use these functions to create an image filter, apply an image filter to an image, and to retrieve image information.
images.AutoOrient ⟼ images.filterReturns an image filter that rotates and flips an image as needed per its EXIF orientation tag. 詳しく見る »
images.Brightness PERCENTAGE ⟼ images.filterReturns an image filter that changes the brightness of an image. 詳しく見る »
images.ColorBalance PCTRED PCTGREEN PCTBLUE ⟼ images.filterReturns an image filter that changes the color balance of an image. 詳しく見る »
images.Colorize HUE SATURATION PERCENTAGE ⟼ images.filterReturns an image filter that produces a colorized version of an image. 詳しく見る »
images.Config PATH ⟼ image.ConfigReturns an image.Config structure from the image at the specified path, relative to the working directory. 詳しく見る »
images.Contrast PERCENTAGE ⟼ images.filterReturns an image filter that changes the contrast of an image. 詳しく見る »
images.Dither [OPTIONS] ⟼ images.filterReturns an image filter that dithers an image. 詳しく見る »
images.Filter FILTERS... IMAGE ⟼ images.ImageResourceApplies one or more image filters to the given image resource. 詳しく見る »
images.Gamma GAMMA ⟼ images.filterReturns an image filter that performs gamma correction on an image. 詳しく見る »
images.GaussianBlur SIGMA ⟼ images.filterReturns an image filter that applies a gaussian blur to an image. 詳しく見る »
images.Grayscale ⟼ images.filterReturns an image filter that produces a grayscale version of an image. 詳しく見る »
images.Hue SHIFT ⟼ images.filterReturns an image filter that rotates the hue of an image. 詳しく見る »
images.Invert ⟼ images.filterReturns an image filter that negates the colors of an image. 詳しく見る »
images.Opacity OPACITY ⟼ images.filterReturns an image filter that changes the opacity of an image. 詳しく見る »
images.Overlay RESOURCE X Y ⟼ images.filterReturns an image filter that overlays the source image at the given coordinates, relative to the upper left corner. 詳しく見る »
images.Padding V1 [V2] [V3] [V4] [COLOR] ⟼ images.filterReturns an image filter that resizes the image canvas without resizing the image. 詳しく見る »
images.Pixelate SIZE ⟼ images.filterReturns an image filter that applies a pixelation effect to an image. 詳しく見る »
images.Process SPEC ⟼ images.filterReturns an image filter that processes the given image using the given specification. 詳しく見る »
images.Saturation PERCENTAGE ⟼ images.filterReturns an image filter that changes the saturation of an image. 詳しく見る »
images.Sepia PERCENTAGE ⟼ images.filterReturns an image filter that produces a sepia-toned version of an image. 詳しく見る »
images.Sigmoid MIDPOINT FACTOR ⟼ images.filterReturns an image filter that changes the contrast of an image using a sigmoidal function. 詳しく見る »
images.Text TEXT [OPTIONS] ⟼ images.filterReturns an image filter that adds text to an image. 詳しく見る »
images.UnsharpMask SIGMA AMOUNT THRESHOLD ⟼ images.filterReturns an image filter that sharpens an image. 詳しく見る »