Math functions
Use these functions to perform mathematical operations.
Use these functions to perform mathematical operations.
math.Atan2 VALUE VALUE ⟼ float64Returns the arctangent, in radians, of the given number pair, determining the correct quadrant from their signs. 詳しく見る »
math.Counter ⟼ uint64Increments and returns a global counter. 詳しく見る »
math.Floor VALUE ⟼ float64Returns the greatest integer value less than or equal to the given number. 詳しく見る »
math.ModBool VALUE1 VALUE2 ⟼ boolReports whether the modulus of two integers equals 0. 詳しく見る »
math.Product VALUE... ⟼ float64Returns the product of all numbers. Accepts scalars, slices, or both. 詳しく見る »
math.Round VALUE ⟼ float64Returns the nearest integer, rounding half away from zero. 詳しく見る »
math.ToDegrees VALUE ⟼ float64ToDegrees converts radians into degrees. 詳しく見る »
math.ToRadians VALUE ⟼ float64ToRadians converts degrees into radians. 詳しく見る »