テンプレートとは一つのファイルに表されるものであり、プロジェクト、テーマ、モジュールに対応したレイアウトディレクトリ内に置きます。 テンプレート内においては 変数、関数、メソッド を利用して、コンテント、リソース、データの内容を公開ページへと変換します。
たとえば以下の HTML テンプレートでは、まず $v1
と $v2
という変数を初期化して、HTML の段落内にそれを含めたコードを生成しています。
{{ $v1 := 6 }}
{{ $v2 := 7 }}
<p>The product of {{ $v1 }} and {{ $v2 }} is {{ mul $v1 $v2 }}.</p>
HTML テンプレートが最もよく利用されていますが、これ以外にも CSV、JSON、RSS、プレーンテキストなどのように、どのような 出力書式 に対してもテンプレートを生成することができます。
テンプレートを作るにあたって理解しておくべき重要な考え方は コンテキスト (context) です。 これは各テンプレートに受け渡されるデータのことです。 このデータとは単純な値の場合もありますが、一般的には オブジェクト やそれに関連する メソッド のこともあります。
たとえば一つのページに対応するテンプレートは Page
そしてその Page
テンプレート内において、ドット (.
) はカレントコンテキスト (current context) を表します。
<h2>{{ .Title }}</h2>
上の例におけるドットは Page
そして Title
メソッドを呼び出すことによって、フロントマター に定義されているタイトルを返すものです。
たとえばテンプレートの上部において、コンテキストは Page
しかし range
や with
<h2>{{ .Title }}</h2>
{{ range slice "foo" "bar" }}
<p>{{ . }}</p>
{{ end }}
{{ with "baz" }}
<p>{{ . }}</p>
{{ end }}
In the example above, the context changes as we range
through the slice of values. In the first iteration the context is “foo”, and in the second iteration the context is “bar”. Inside of the with
block the context is “baz”. Hugo renders the above to:
<h2>My Page Title</h2>
ブロックや with
ブロック内においてそのテンプレートに元々受け渡されていたコンテキストにアクセスする場合は、ドットの前にドル記号 ($
) をつけます。
{{ with "foo" }}
<p>{{ $.Title }} - {{ . }}</p>
{{ end }}
Hugo はこれを以下のようにレンダリングします。
<p>My Page Title - foo</p>
In the examples above the paired opening and closing braces represent the beginning and end of a template action, a data evaluation or control structure within a template.
A template action may contain literal values (boolean, string, integer, and float), variables, functions, and methods.
{{ $convertToLower := true }}
{{ if $convertToLower }}
<h2>{{ strings.ToLower .Title }}</h2>
{{ end }}
In the example above:
is a variabletrue
is a literal boolean valuestrings.ToLower
is a function that converts all characters to lowercaseTitle
is a method on a thePage
Hugo renders the above to:
<h2>my page title</h2>
Notice the blank lines and indentation in the previous example? Although irrelevant in production when you typically minify the output, you can remove the adjacent whitespace by using template action delimiters with hyphens:
{{- $convertToLower := true -}}
{{- if $convertToLower -}}
<h2>{{ strings.ToLower .Title }}</h2>
{{- end -}}
Hugo renders this to:
<h2>my page title</h2>
Whitespace includes spaces, horizontal tabs, carriage returns, and newlines.
Within a template action you may pipe a value to function or method. The piped value becomes the final argument to the function or method. For example, these are equivalent:
{{ strings.ToLower "Hugo" }} → hugo
{{ "Hugo" | strings.ToLower }} → hugo
You can pipe the result of one function or method into another. For example, these are equivalent:
{{ strings.TrimSuffix "o" (strings.ToLower "Hugo") }} → hug
{{ "Hugo" | strings.ToLower | strings.TrimSuffix "o" }} → hug
These are also equivalent:
{{ mul 6 (add 2 5) }} → 42
{{ 5 | add 2 | mul 6 }} → 42
Line splitting
You can split a template action over two or more lines. For example, these are equivalent:
{{ $v := or .Site.Language.LanguageName .Site.Language.Lang }}
{{ $v := or
You can also split raw string literals over two or more lines. For example, these are equivalent:
{{ $msg := "This is line one.\nThis is line two." }}
{{ $msg := `This is line one.
This is line two.`
A variable is a user-defined identifier prepended with a dollar sign ($
), representing a value of any data type, initialized or assigned within a template action. For example, $foo
and $bar
are variables.
Variables may contain scalars, slices, maps, or objects.
Use :=
to initialize a variable, and use =
to assign a value to a variable that has been previously initialized. For example:
{{ $total := 3 }}
{{ range slice 7 11 21 }}
{{ $total = add $total . }}
{{ end }}
{{ $total }} → 42
Variables initialized inside of an if
, range
, or with
block are scoped to the block. Variables initialized outside of these blocks are scoped to the template.
With variables that represent a slice or map, use the index
function to return the desired value.
{{ $slice := slice "foo" "bar" "baz" }}
{{ index $slice 2 }} → baz
{{ $map := dict "a" "foo" "b" "bar" "c" "baz" }}
{{ index $map "c" }} → baz
With variables that represent a map or object, chain identifiers to return the desired value or to access the desired method.
{{ $map := dict "a" "foo" "b" "bar" "c" "baz" }}
{{ $map.c }} → baz
{{ $homePage := .Site.Home }}
{{ $homePage.Title }} → My Homepage
Used within a template action, a function takes one or more arguments and returns a value. Unlike methods, functions are not associated with an object.
Go’s text/template and html/template packages provide a small set of functions, operators, and statements for general use. See the go-templates section of the function documentation for details.
Hugo provides hundreds of custom functions categorized by namespace. For example, the strings
namespace includes these and other functions:
Function | Alias |
strings.ToLower |
lower |
strings.ToUpper |
upper |
strings.Replace |
replace |
As shown above, frequently used functions have an alias. Use aliases in your templates to reduce code length.
When calling a function, separate the arguments from the function, and from each other, with a space. For example:
{{ $total := add 1 2 3 4 }}
Used within a template action and associated with an object, a method takes zero or more arguments and either returns a value or performs an action.
The most commonly accessed objects are the Page
and Site
objects. This is a small sampling of the methods available to each object.
Object | Method | Description |
Page |
Date |
Returns the date of the given page. |
Page |
Params |
Returns a map of custom parameters as defined in the front matter of the given page. |
Page |
Title |
Returns the title of the given page. |
Site |
Data |
Returns a data structure composed from the files in the data directory. |
Site |
Params |
Returns a map of custom parameters as defined in the site configuration. |
Site |
Title |
Returns the title as defined in the site configuration. |
Chain the method to its object with a dot (.
) as shown below, remembering that the leading dot represents the current context.
{{ .Site.Title }} → My Site Title
{{ .Page.Title }} → My Page Title
The context passed into most templates is a Page
object, so this is equivalent to the previous example:
{{ .Site.Title }} → My Site Title
{{ .Title }} → My Page Title
Some methods take an argument. Separate the argument from the method with a space. For example:
{{ $page := .Page.GetPage "/books/les-miserables" }}
{{ $page.Title }} → Les Misérables
Template comments are similar to template actions. Paired opening and closing braces represent the beginning and end of a comment. For example:
{{/* This is an inline comment. */}}
{{- /* This is an inline comment with adjacent whitespace removed. */ -}}
Code within a comment is not parsed, executed, or displayed. Comments may be inline, as shown above, or in block form:
This is a block comment.
{{- /*
This is a block comment with
adjacent whitespace removed.
*/ -}}
You may not nest one comment inside of another.
To render an HTML comment, pass a string through the safeHTML
template function. For example:
{{ "<!-- I am an HTML comment. -->" | safeHTML }}
{{ printf "<!-- This is the %s site. -->" .Site.Title | safeHTML }}
Use the template
function to include one or more of Hugo’s embedded templates:
{{ template "_internal/google_analytics.html" . }}
{{ template "_internal/opengraph" . }}
{{ template "_internal/pagination.html" . }}
{{ template "_internal/schema.html" . }}
{{ template "_internal/twitter_cards.html" . }}
Use the partial
or partialCached
function to include one or more partial templates:
{{ partial "breadcrumbs.html" . }}
{{ partialCached "css.html" . }}
Create your partial templates in the layouts/partials directory.
This limited set of contrived examples demonstrates some of concepts described above. Please see the functions, methods, and templates documentation for specific examples.
Conditional blocks
See documentation for if
, else
, and end
{{ $var := 42 }}
{{ if eq $var 6 }}
{{ print "var is 6" }}
{{ else if eq $var 7 }}
{{ print "var is 7" }}
{{ else if eq $var 42 }}
{{ print "var is 42" }}
{{ else }}
{{ print "var is something else" }}
{{ end }}
Logical operators
See documentation for and
and or
{{ $v1 := true }}
{{ $v2 := false }}
{{ $v3 := false }}
{{ $result := false }}
{{ if and $v1 $v2 $v3 }}
{{ $result = true }}
{{ end }}
{{ $result }} → false
{{ if or $v1 $v2 $v3 }}
{{ $result = true }}
{{ end }}
{{ $result }} → true
See documentation for range
, else
, and end
{{ $s := slice "foo" "bar" "baz" }}
{{ range $s }}
<p>{{ . }}</p>
{{ else }}
<p>The collection is empty</p>
{{ end }}
Use the seq
function to loop a specified number of times:
{{ $total := 0 }}
{{ range seq 4 }}
{{ $total = add $total . }}
{{ end }}
{{ $total }} → 10
Rebind context
See documentation for with
, else
, and end
{{ $var := "foo" }}
{{ with $var }}
{{ . }} → foo
{{ else }}
{{ print "var is falsy" }}
{{ end }}
To test multiple conditions:
{{ $v1 := 0 }}
{{ $v2 := 42 }}
{{ with $v1 }}
{{ . }}
{{ else with $v2 }}
{{ . }} → 42
{{ else }}
{{ print "v1 and v2 are falsy" }}
{{ end }}
Access site parameters
See documentation for the Params
method on a Site
With this site configuration:
baseURL: https://example.org
email: jsmith@example.org
name: John Smith
copyright-year: "2023"
rfc_1123: Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST
rfc_3339: "2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00"
subtitle: The Best Widgets on Earth
title: ABC Widgets
baseURL = 'https://example.org'
title = 'ABC Widgets'
copyright-year = '2023'
subtitle = 'The Best Widgets on Earth'
email = 'jsmith@example.org'
name = 'John Smith'
rfc_1123 = 'Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST'
rfc_3339 = '2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00'
"baseURL": "https://example.org",
"params": {
"author": {
"email": "jsmith@example.org",
"name": "John Smith"
"copyright-year": "2023",
"layouts": {
"rfc_1123": "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST",
"rfc_3339": "2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00"
"subtitle": "The Best Widgets on Earth"
"title": "ABC Widgets"
Access the custom site parameters by chaining the identifiers:
{{ .Site.Params.subtitle }} → The Best Widgets on Earth
{{ .Site.Params.author.name }} → John Smith
{{ $layout := .Site.Params.layouts.rfc_1123 }}
{{ .Site.Lastmod.Format $layout }} → Tue, 17 Oct 2023 13:21:02 PDT
Access page parameters
See documentation for the Params
method on a Page
With this front matter:
date: 2023-10-17T15:11:37-07:00
email: jsmith@example.org
name: John Smith
display_related: true
title: Annual conference
date = 2023-10-17T15:11:37-07:00
title = 'Annual conference'
display_related = true
email = 'jsmith@example.org'
name = 'John Smith'
"date": "2023-10-17T15:11:37-07:00",
"params": {
"author": {
"email": "jsmith@example.org",
"name": "John Smith"
"display_related": true
"title": "Annual conference"
Access the custom page parameters by chaining the identifiers:
{{ .Params.display_related }} → true
{{ .Params.author.name }} → John Smith