Run your tests using Go test

読む時間の目安: 5 分

Testing is an essential part of modern software development. Yet, testing can mean a lot of things to different development teams. In the name of brevity, we’ll only take a look at running isolated, high-level, functional tests.

Test structure

Each test is meant to verify a single business requirement for our example application. The following test is an excerpt from main_test.go test suite in our example application.

func TestRespondsWithLove(t *testing.T) {

	pool, err := dockertest.NewPool("")
	require.NoError(t, err, "could not connect to Docker")

	resource, err := pool.Run("docker-gs-ping", "latest", []string{})
	require.NoError(t, err, "could not start container")

	t.Cleanup(func() {
		require.NoError(t, pool.Purge(resource), "failed to remove container")

	var resp *http.Response

	err = pool.Retry(func() error {
		resp, err = http.Get(fmt.Sprint("http://localhost:", resource.GetPort("8080/tcp"), "/"))
		if err != nil {
			t.Log("container not ready, waiting...")
			return err
		return nil
	require.NoError(t, err, "HTTP error")
	defer resp.Body.Close()

	require.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, resp.StatusCode, "HTTP status code")

	body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	require.NoError(t, err, "failed to read HTTP body")

	// Finally, test the business requirement!
	require.Contains(t, string(body), "<3", "does not respond with love?")

As you can see, this is a high-level test, unconcerned with the implementation details of our example application.

  • the test is using ory/dockertest Go module;
  • the test assumes that the Docker engine instance is running on the same machine where the test is being run.

The second test in main_test.go has almost identical structure but it tests another business requirement of our application. You are welcome to have a look at all available tests in docker-gs-ping/main_test.go.

Run tests locally

In order to run the tests, we must make sure that our application Docker image is up-to-date.

$ docker build -t docker-gs-ping:latest .
[+] Building 3.0s (13/13) FINISHED

In the above example we’ve omitted most of the output, only displaying the first line indicating that the build was successful.

Note, that the image is tagged with latest which is the same label we’ve chosen to use in our main_test.go tests.

Now that the Docker image for our application had been built, we can run the tests that depend on it:

$ go test ./...
ok       2.564s

That was a bit... underwhelming? Let’s ask it to print a bit more detail, just to be sure:

$ go test -v ./...
=== RUN   TestRespondsWithLove
    main_test.go:47: container not ready, waiting...
--- PASS: TestRespondsWithLove (5.24s)
=== RUN   TestHealthCheck
    main_test.go:83: container not ready, waiting...
--- PASS: TestHealthCheck (1.40s)
ok       6.670s

So, the tests do, indeed, pass. Note, how retrying using exponential back-off helped avoiding failing tests while the containers are being initialised. What happens in each test is that ory/dockertest module connects to the local Docker engine instance and instructs it to spin up a container using the image, identified by the tag docker-gs-ping:latest. Starting up a container may take a while, so our tests retry accessing the container until the container is ready to respond to requests.

Next steps

In this module, we’ve seen an example of using Docker for isolated functional testing of an example Go application. There are many different ways to test an application and we have only considered the high-level, functional testing. This, however, feeds naturally into the next topic, where we are going to set up our tests to run in an automated pipeline.

In the next module, we’ll take a look at how to set up a CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions. See:

Configure CI/CD


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build, go, golang, test