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Docker Hub の組織(organizations)は、チームの生成を行い、チームメンバーがイメージリポジトリを共有アクセスできるようにするものです。

An Organization is a collection of teams and repositories that can be managed together. Docker users become members of an organization when they are assigned to at least one team in the organization. When you first create an organization, you’ll see that you have a team, the owners (Admins) team, with a single member. An organization owner is someone that is part of the owners team. They can create new teams and add members to an existing team using their Docker ID or email address and by selecting a team the user should be part of. An org owner can also add additional org owners to help them manage users, teams, and repositories in the organization.

A Team is a group of Docker users that belong to an organization. An organization can have multiple teams. When you first create an organization, you’ll see that you have a team, the owners team, with a single member. An organization owner can then create new teams and add members to an existing team using their Docker ID or email address and by selecting a team the user should be part of.


There are multiple ways to create an organization. You can create a brand new organization using the Create Organization option in Docker Hub, or you can convert an existing user account to an organization. The following section contains instructions on how to create new organization. For prerequisites and detailed instructions on converting an existing user account to an org, see Convert an account into an organization.


  1. Sign into Docker Hub using your Docker ID or your email address.
  2. Select Organizations. Click Create Organization to create a new organization.
  3. Choose a plan for your organization. See Docker Pricing for details on the features offered in the Team and Business plan.
  4. Enter a name for your organization. This is the official, unique name for your organization in Docker Hub. Note that it is not possible to change the name of the organization after you’ve created it.

    The organization name cannot be the same as your Docker ID.

  5. Enter the name of your company. This is the full name of your company. This info is displayed on your organization page, and in the details of any public images you publish. You can update the company name anytime by navigating to your organization’s Settings page. Click Continue to Org size.
  6. On the Organization Size page, specify the number of users (seats) you’d require and click Continue to payment.

You’ve now created an organization. Select the newly created organization from the Organizations page. You’ll now see that you have a team, the owners team with a single member (you).



  1. Log into Docker Hub with a user account that is a member of any team in the organization. You must be part of the owners team to access the organization’s Settings page.


    You can’t directly log into an organization. This is especially important to note if you create an organization by converting a user account, as conversion means you lose the ability to log into that “account”, since it no longer exists. If you don’t see the organization, then you are neither a member or an owner of it. An organization administrator will need to add you as a member of the organization team.

  2. Click Organizations in the top navigation bar, then choose your organization from the list.

    View organization details

The Organization landing page displays various options that allow you to configure your organization.

  • Members: Displays a list of team members. You can invite new members using the Add Member option. See Add team members for details.

  • Teams: Displays a list of existing teams and the number of members in each team. See Create a team for details.

  • Repositories: Displays a list of repositories associated with the organization. See Repositories for detailed information about working with repositories.

  • Activity Displays the audit log, a chronological list of activities that occur at organization and repository levels. It provides the org owners a report of all their team member activities. See Audit log for details.

  • Settings: Displays information about your organization, and allows you to view and change your repository privacy settings, configure org permissions such as Image Access Management and notification settings. You can also deactivate your organization on this tab.

  • Billing: Displays information about your existing Docker subscription (plan) and your billing history. You can also access your invoices from this tab.

  • Invitees: Displays a list of users invited to the organization through their email address. This list only includes email addresses that do not have a Docker ID or an account associated with it. Only Org owners can view and manage the Invitees list.


If you are on a Team or a Business subscription, every user listed on the Invitees tab counts towards a seat, even if they do not have a Docker ID or an account yet.

Create a team

A Team is a group of Docker users that belong to an organization. An organization can have multiple teams. When you first create an organization, you’ll see that you have a team, the owners team, with a single member. An organization owner can then create new teams and add members to an existing team using their Docker ID or email address and by selecting a team the user should be part of.

The org owner can add additional org owners to the owners team to help them manage users, teams, and repositories in the organization. See Owners team for details.

To create a team:

  1. Go to Organizations in Docker Hub, and select your organization.
  2. Open the Teams tab and click Create Team.
  3. Fill out your team’s information and click Create.

owners チーム

The owners team is a special team created by default during the org creation process. The owners team has full access to all repositories in the organization.

An organization owner is an administrator who is responsible to manage repositories and add team members to the organization. They have full access to private repositories, all teams, billing information, and org settings. An org owner can also specify permissions for each team in the organization. Only an org owner can enable SSO for the organization. When SSO is enabled for your organization, the org owner can also manage users. Docker can auto-provision Docker IDs for new end-users or users who’d like to have a separate Docker ID for company use through SSO enforcement.

The org owner can also add additional org owners to help them manage users, teams, and repositories in the organization.


Org owners can invite new members to the team using their Docker ID or email address. When you invite team members using their email address, we recommend that users create a Docker account before accepting the invite to join the team. If you are using a Docker Team or a Business subscription, inviting team members using their email address counts towards a seat.

If the user isn’t in your organization:

  1. Go to Organizations in Docker Hub, and select your organization.
  2. Click Add Member.
  3. Enter the user’s Docker ID or email, and select a team from the drop-down list.
  4. Click Add to confirm.

If the user already belongs to another team in the organization:

  1. Open the team’s page in Docker Hub: Organizations > Your Organization > Teams > Your Team Name
  2. Click Add Member.
  3. Enter the user’s Docker ID or email address to add them to the team.

When org owners add team members, the members receive an email informing them that they have been added to the organization as a member of the team.

Note: You are not automatically added to teams created by your organization.

Configure repository permissions

Organization owners can configure repository permissions on a per-team basis. For example, you can specify that all teams within an organization have Read and Write access to repositories A and B, whereas only specific teams have Admin access. Note that org owners have full administrative access to all repositories within the organization.

To give a team access to a repository

  1. Go to Organizations in Docker Hub, and select your organization.
  2. Click on the Teams tab and select the team that you’d like to configure repository access to.
  3. Click on the Permissions tab and select a repository from the Repository drop-down.
  4. Choose a permission from the Permissions drop-down list and click Add.

    Team Repo Permissions

View a team’s permissions for all repositories

To view a team’s permissions across all repositories:

  1. Open Organizations > Your Organization > Teams > Team Name.
  2. Click on the Permissions tab, where you can view the repositories this team can access.

Permissions reference

Permissions are cumulative. For example, if you have Read & Write permissions, you automatically have Read-only permissions:

  • Read-only access allows users to view, search, and pull a private repository in the same way as they can a public repository.
  • Read & Write access allows users to pull, push, and view a repository Docker Hub. In addition, it allows users to view, cancel, retry or trigger builds
  • Admin access allows users to Pull, push, view, edit, and delete a repository; edit build settings; update the repository description modify the repositories “Description”, “Collaborators” rights, “Public/Private” visibility, and “Delete”.


A User who has not yet verified their email address only has Read-only access to the repository, regardless of the rights their team membership has given them.


To remove a member from all teams in an organization:

  1. Go to Organizations in Docker Hub, and select your organization. The Organizations page lists all team members.
  2. Click the X next to a member’s name to remove them from all the teams in the organization.
  3. When prompted, click Remove to confirm the removal.

To remove a member from a specific team:

  1. Go to Organizations in Docker Hub, and select your organization.
  2. Click on the Teams tab and select the team from the list.
  3. Click the X next to the user’s name to remove them from the team.
  4. When prompted, click Remove to confirm the removal.


You can also check out the following videos for information about creating Teams and Organizations in Docker Hub.

Docker, docker, registry, teams, organizations, plans, Dockerfile, Docker Hub, docs, documentation